An Artist Specializing in Content Creation, Digital Campaigns, Photography, Business Development & Operational Management.



Every man shaves for a moment in his life.


The closest shave leaves the most unforgettable feeling on a man. The closest moments to victory are won by the length of a hair or a graze off a chin. A man like this would appreciate the flex-ball technology offered in this razor. It reminds him of his greatest moments. Be ready for your moment.

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Before you start any venture, any game, any project.

Be ready for your moment.

There are keys to fundamentally sharpen the chances of success for you.

Step 1 - Relax in the moment

Take the time to center yourself within your body. Look at the world with fresh eyes and a state of calmness. Concentrate on each body part from your toes to your head. Allow this feeling of relaxation to run all over your body. Let it make you light as if you were floating on water.

Step 2 - Don’t think in the moment

Be present. Clear your mind. Everything around you can serve as a distraction. Have only one thing in mind. This moment. What’s happening now. Fully immerse yourself here and you’ll have all the right moves to make and all the right words to say.

Step 3 - Visualize the moment

Imagine what you’re going to wear. How you’re going to look. Where you’re going to be. Take that in and visualize yourself closer to your goals, dreams, and aspirations. See yourself creating an environment of victory.

Step 4 - Be ready for your moment

When you step up to court, crowd or your day. It’s your time to shine. Appearances are important after you do the internal work. Look your best and be your best. It’ll be that small detail that changes everything. That graze off a chin. That centimeter closer to the sweet spot on the ball. That fraction of a second that made you win. Be ready for your moment.

Gillette. Get the edge.

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