An Artist Specializing in Content Creation, Digital Campaigns, Photography, Business Development & Operational Management.


People don't want to miss being out with their friends. They don't want to miss participating in the next major event. And they definitely don't want to miss any good times happening throughout the week if they're sick. That's why they need good vibes.


Spread good vibes.

Print Executions

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This site nourishes your friends to better health by sending goodies to them.

Outdoor relief box - VICKY

Whether you're sick or healthy you will always have challenges throughout the day. VICKY - the relief box will provide compliments to pedestrians as a way to spread good vibes. Giving compliments will be it's default. If you decide to interact with the box, it will provide you with rewards to make your day a little better. An example of a reward can be hot coffee or napkins. The greatest moment will be when someone is feeling sick and VICKY provides Nyquil or Dyquil to them.

Mock Script with Vicky Interacting with a Pedestrian

Vicky: Those glasses really bring out your eyes!

Pedestrian: Wait...wha...what... are you talking to me?

Vicky: Yes, you. Are you on your way to work?

Pedestrian: Yup. Iā€™m a couple of blocks away.

Vicky: Can I offer you a cup of coffee?

Pedestrian: Oh my! That sounds great!

(Coffee pops out of box)

Vicky: Here you go. Hope it brings relief to your day!

Pedestrian: Thank you!