An Artist Specializing in Content Creation, Digital Campaigns, Photography, Business Development & Operational Management.

Apes target apes.

I try to remember that we are apes talking to other apes. It transforms and reframes the moment for me. Imagine how difficult it is to fully crystallize a thought and express it to another ape. The nuances of your posture, tone of your voice, and the choice of your words (or design) gets interpreted by someone’s own inner belief system. The person you express and vocalize your words to may not even comprehend your message (FAIL).

A solution that works well is to ask a person whether or not they understand what you're saying to them. You could also get them to repeat back what you said. It’s really in your best interest to get your message across without any doubt or uncertainty.

Your business needs to work the same way. The messages you deliver to your audiences or co-workers have to touch them in a way they understand. That’s why targeting your message is such a key factor in marketing these days. You have to resonate with your peers. Astound and blow their minds with attention hungry words that cause them to consider you for even a minute or longer than it takes to munch a banana.